IT'S NOT A DIET - IT'S A LIFESTYLE - by Dean Schaffer & the Fitness Club London


Is 2019 the year you finally throw off the shackles and embrace the you YOU really are? I’m here to help you do that, wherever you are in the world. Get ready to watch the weight fall off…

Fatattakk is my new personal weight loss programme which will help you lose the excess weight once and for all. Kiss goodbye to the pesky pounds! This is a structured, proven programme aimed at people who have more weight to lose, rather than just a few pounds. It’s for the larger person who has always struggled to lose weight, or has yo-yo dieted for years and never managed to keep the pounds off.

I’ll talk to you about how many calories you need every day. There is nothing you can’t eat, as I’ve designed a lifestyle programme and not a diet. We’ll also discuss what cardio to do and when, and I’ll give you a series of exercises you can do.


It’s All About You

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